What Is SEO And Local SEO?
SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization and SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the name given to activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings. SEO isn’t just about building search engine-friendly websites. It’s about making your site better for people too.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of increasing the number and quality of visitors to a website by improving rankings in the algorithmic search engine results.
Local SEO means to promote business or services locally. This SEO is a strategy and process to optimize a site or pages on your site to show for organic queries in the search engines where the intent of the searcher is to find local information.
Moreover, local SEO is focused on providing results that are relevant to a searcher based on their current location. If I search for ‘best steak restaurant’ on my desktop right now, Google would provide me with results that are nearest to me.
Difference between SEO and Local SEO
Website employs organic SEO that might or might not have a geographic location. The location can influence it, but is definitely not attached to a brick-or-a-mortar business. Pure Organic results are a mix of businesses, articles, blogs, news, social media profiles etc. Organic search and results are totally independent of the locations.
On the other hand, local SEO is essentially tied and associated with a brick-and-mortar business and necessarily has a geographical component. For example, if someone searches for a ‘car service in Dhaka, the search engines would get, that the user wants a local business in Dhaka, that can service their cars. Therefore, here the search engines are looking out for trusted and relevant business that do car service around the user’s locations.
In traditional organic SEO, search engines are looking for relevant and trusted content. For local SEO, search engines are seeking out relevant and trusted locations.
At the local level, more than 75% of local searches convert into leads for a local business. And of those searches, over 90% will click or call the business that’s found in the top 3 local search results.
At the organic level, searches that do not appear to be relevant for a local business, product, or service will exclude the local search results altogether.
Local SEO and organic SEO do not always target the same position in the SERPs (search engine results page).