How virtuanic design & develop websites for clients

  • July 9, 2019
  • vsnadmin
  • 3 min read

If you want your company to be successful in the modern marketplace, you’ve got to have a professional website. Your website is the backbone of your business, supporting all of your digital marketing efforts. Virtuanic Solution’s web development services are perfect for brands at any stage. Our web development team can help you build your brand’s website from the ground up. We specialize in building websites that tell a unique brand story while meeting the expectations of today’s most discerning consumer.

Virtuanic Solution’s web design project process is a proven method, used successfully for many years. This process is a series of steps that build upon one another, reducing risk and arriving at a final website through a structured approach. This process are given below……

    1. Information gathering
    1. Set goals for the website
    2. Define website target’s audience


The planning stage is arguably the most important, because what’s decided and mapped here sets the stage for the entire project. This is also the stage that requires client interaction and the accompanying attention to detail.

  • Requirements analysis.
  • Site map
  • Contracts that define roles, copyright and financial points.
  • Gain access to servers and build folder structure.
  • Determine required software and resources (stock photography, fonts, etc.).



The design stage typically involves moving the information outlined in the planning stage further into reality. The main deliverable are a documented site structure and, more importantly, a visual representation. Upon completion of the design phase, the website should more or less have taken shape, but for the absence of the content and special features.

  • Wireframe and design elements planning.
  • Mock-ups based on requirements analysis.
  • Review and approval cycle
  • Slicing and code validation





  • Create new content
  • Get content ready for migration



Development involves the bulk of the programming work, as well as loading content (whether by our team or from the client’s end). Keep code organized and commented, and refer constantly to the planning details as the full website takes shape.

  • Choose appropriate development framework.
  • Code templates for page types.
  • Develop and test special features and interactivity
  • Fill with content
  • Test and verify links and functionality





  1. Testing, Review and Launch
  • Test the created website
  • Upload the website to server
  • Final testing and launch



  1. Maintenance and Regular Updating
  • Reporting system according to client’s requirement
  • Fix Bug asap
  • Keep website up to date










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